Before the reviewing, a little mindless rant. (you need not take much notice of it -it regards similarities to Virtual Springfield - Not trying to be mean and spiteful though!)
What, so the dining room, kitchen, entrance hall and other rooms just HAPPEN to be EXACTLY THE SAME (with obvious exceptions of small colour and picture changes) from EXACTLY THE SAME ANGLES?!?! The gosh darned recliner with the button was even in place! But this rant could easily be discredited if you only every saw screenshots of 'Virtual Springfield', being ignorant to the actual game XP.
Ranting aside, the virtual springfield formula is present, and as you claim to not know the game, it is played like yours, but looks better, has much more happening, more things to click, more places to go, more games to play and more things to collect (but who the hell is expected to try THAT hard?)
A modest effort to an already great idea. Seeing the other reviews, I agree that there needs to bo more to do, just add more to click on, more rooms, some characters!
Keep up the good work, let's hope it gets bigger and better (and by the way, Virtual Springfield is not a 'free to download' game, it's rather old but is still cram packed with Simpsons goodness. I still play it today! It's got it's own version of 'Doom' in the kwik-e-mart!).
Man, what a long review. I want some donuts.